This is one of my favorite weekday breakfast recipes because I can prepare a large batch in the beginning of the week and just add fresh fruit and toppings in the morning. If using flax seeds be sure to grind them with a mortar and pestle or blender so your body can absorb them properly. You can easily double or triple this recipe for a bigger batch.
Serves 1
3 tbsp black chia seeds
3/4 cup almond milk
Apples, diced
Figs, quartered
Cinnamon stick, grated
Raw almonds roughly chopped
Freshly ground flax seeds
Black seed honey
Combine chia and almond milk and let sit in covered bowl or mason jar over night. Make sure it is well combined.
Pour chia in bowl and top with chopped almonds, apples, cinnamon and flax seeds. Drizzle honey to taste.